Should Blair name the day because he has a dog snapping at his heels?
It has been assumed for some time that John Prescott will be the next leader of the Labour party in the UK. Since labours pounding in the recent local elections a vast amount of press and media space has been given to the demand for Tony Blair to name the day of his departure to ensure an orderly hand over.
I am no fan of Tony Blair, I would have liked him to have been gone before the last General Election, I do not like the man, his views or his politics. However, he is the elected Prime minister of this country and the braying dogs would do well to remember that. John Prescott does no one any favours, least of all himself, by snapping at Blairs heels. I have never been convinced that Prescott is the man to take over from Blair and am even less convinced now. He's behaving like a bull in a china shop, doing nothing but damage to himself and the Labour party. The Labour party is in enough trouble without all this infighting, they appear so out of touch with the people in this country that they barely know we exist, it feels they are having a navel gazing bitch fest. If they can't sort themselves out, then they deserve to lose the next general election and good riddance, even though the alternatives are far from inspiring.
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